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to G A W A R A

Permit us to introduce ourselves, I am Surisetti Venketa Sai Prasad, working for Indian Railways and convener, All India Gavara (Railway Men's) Welfare Association.

Change as they say is natural, till perhaps about fifty years back we started with an intention to make Gavaras from Indian Railways called to be the first group to benefit with welfare and recreation activities scripting a success story with every passing day. It has been a long journey but it seems only yesterday that we began this association. Brothers and sisters from various walks of life and all ages with their unstinted support have advised us to induct one and all into this new entity. “GAWARA –GOWRI ASSOCIATION FOR WELFARE AND RECREATION AFFAIRS”, a statement of attitude and commitment towards welfare and family values. 

Illogical and uncalled for regulations only curb innovation and growth, even the most sincere are converted into the most cynical. Be curious always, for relationships will not acquire you; you must acquire them.

The next time you decide to make a subscription think of us, your contribution is a way you express your warmth and gratitude which helps this association in long run with great expectations. WE CAN - WE WILL.
